Ennis Independent School District
“Every Student is Important”
Ennis ISD
“The District is dedicated to offering the best education at all 10 of its campuses focusing on student achievement for all students. EISD educators are highly qualified and work to ensure all students have the best resources and instruction to succeed. The District has a long tradition of success and continues building excellence so that all students are college and career-ready when they graduate from EISD schools.”
Picture from Chris McGathey Photography
The Lewis Legacy
The Lewis Legacy Scholarship was created as a means to give back and encourage the students of Ennis High School to attend a university after graduation. The founder, Ste’Vonte RaDale Lewis accredits its creation to his mentor at Ennis High School Mrs. Regas. Through the AVID program Mrs. Regas was able to assist RaDale as well as many other students with anything she could get her hands on each and every single day. Moments like this are what sparked the inspiration for the creation of the scholarship. The AVID program as well as Mrs. Regas were able to kick-start the collegiate careers of First Generation students like RaDale through scholarships like the “Ennis A&M Club”. The Lewis Legacy scholarship serves as an opportunity to help students pay for college and have an impact in the Ennis Independent School District.

“Educate. Encourage. Empower”
-Ennis ISD Vision Statement